Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Movin' Right Along

So I FINALLY finished book 4, A Feast for Crows.  I likened it to LotR--a lot of boring with a few events interspersed.  Some things happened and some people got some justice.  Or at least it seems like they're going to--gotta get further into book 5 to find out for sure.  Feast is boring and long and slow but by this point, I'm in it for the long haul so I stuck it out.  Took me all damn summer to read it because of my class but I will probably finish book 5 on vacation.

On that note, I will finally have a college diploma in 6 weeks or so!  OK so its a crappy one but still!  I have worked hard and I am excited about it.  Probably the first person in my family to have one and that is not a little thing.  Now just 2 more years until I get another one.  haha
I have loved Counting Crows for almost 20 years and last night I finally got to see them.  Wow.  I will never miss one of their shows again.  It was as awesome as I could have ever hoped for.  They did a 10+ min version of "Round Here" that would break your heart.  Apparently, its kind of a thing they do.  Now I have to buy all their live albums and hope for a version as good as the one last night.  Or not cuz really, I'm not sure if I can listen to it again.  ::sniff::

Here is a pic of the big-haired-one bathed in pink.  <3  <3

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Its been a long time (duhnuhnuh duhnuhnuh)

Well spring semester is long over (made the honor roll again) and summer semester is drawing to a close. I will have a dee-gree when it's over! Yeehaw!

Then I start at Penn Valley in the fall. The good news about that is that it means I finally got all that crap straightened out. What a nightmare. Now I just gotta hope I don't bomb it. :P

I am now halfway through book 4 - A Feast for Crows. Slower for sure but things are still happening and its still a good book. I have been so busy with class it is taking FOREVER to get through the book and I keep forgetting what has happened. ::sigh:: Have finally started watching season 2 so I will be caught up with the books long before the show catches up to me.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Wednesday

It started out fine.  I was going to dinner with my girlie friends and Tim left work at lunch so I could go to my HIT meeting at Penn Valley.  Yay for a long lunch!  Then it all started going downhill when we tried to get the kids from school.

No prob getting the little ones but since Alek is testing, OMG you'd think I was trying to kidnap someone else's kid.  FUCK state testing.  I really don't give a shit.  If I need to pick up my kid, I will pick up my kid!

Ok so FINALLY we get him, like 3:20 when I have to be in the city at 4.  Get there, find the place, all good.  Tim took the kids to Crown Center while I was busy.  Then Abby fell and busted her face open.              Oh boy.  So, my meeting is over, Tim finally gets back to pick me up, and we head for urgent care.  Oh yeah, stitches.  Abby was a trooper but for some reason, when it was all done, I passed out.  Lovely.  I think I just needed to eat (it was like 7pm by then) but damn!  That was so ridiculous.

Anyhow, fast forward to today.  The alarms didn't go off.  In fact, the only one that did is Abby's and she sure didn't jump out of bed to get us up.  haha  So, everyone gets up at 8:00.  Tim was going to take the kids to school so I could get ready for school myself but--of course!--his lackey called in YET AGAIN!  Long story short, Alek was on time, the babies were 30 mins late, I was on time.  The world is a happy place.  Ok not really but we all made it where we needed to be.  Man I hope the rest of the day goes smoother.  I need a break from the chaos.


Let us change the subject:  I'm reading A Game of Thrones.  Very good so far.  I have a paper to finish by Tuesday night so I have had to put it aside for now but I am really looking forward to finishing the 1st book so that maybe I can start watching the show.  Everyone was pants-shitting about the season premier Sunday so I can only assume that it is good.  If you enjoy fantasy, I do highly recommend it.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 1...

Started this (fiendish) juice diet today.  Sounded like a good idea--I LOVE fruit and veggies!--until I had to actually drink it.  I think I would rather just eat a few carrots and starve myself.  Just gotta stay out of "starvation" mode.  I guess if I just drink it when I am REALLY hungry, maybe it will taste good.

So I read "God, No" before spring break.  Hilarious.  Highly recommended, though you will learn things about Penn you probably never wanted to know.

On that subject, the Penn & Teller show is awesome.  (sorry--low energy, gotta try harder)  AWESOME!  I wish I could go see them every night but that much time in Vegas would kill me.  On Wednesday, we went to see Blue Man Group.  That was also AWESOME!  Not exactly what I expected but in a good way.  It was really funny.  Would go to that again too.

Blarrgh.  I wish I could get this horrible grassy taste out of my mouth.  :(  Need to use an actual recipe for this shit or I'm not going to make it through the week.  Here's a tip:  never drink greens.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Statement of Intentions

Sorry.  Too many comp 2 papers.  (ya had to be there)

But seriously, I had really intended for this to be, if not entirely, a blog at least MOSTLY about books.  Maybe this summer.  I read in every free moment I have but I really should have less moments than I do.  I need to spend more time on comp and more time on anthro and more time...ya the house and being a domestic goddess or something like that.  Ug.  Just the thought of it makes me queasy.  Would maybe be more appealing if I didn't have a problem drinking before noon.  And if I didn't have to drive to get the kids.

So.  Books.  I have completed the first 2 books in the Millennium Trilogy, otherwise known as "The Girl Who Did Stuff" books.  Good.  Really good.  Not mind-blowing but I am definitely engaged and always eager to keep reading.  Unfortunately, I am going to have to take a short break from them to read "God, No", by Penn Jillette.  We are going see Penn and Teller in Vegas (baby!) and Tim bought the book to get signed (cuz word is they meet EVERYONE who stays after the show), and I would feel like a shithead having him sign something I hadn't read.  I also feel like maybe I need to get Teller's book so that he knows he is also loved.  Lil cutie pie.  ;)  Yes, definitely.  Need a Teller book if I can get my hands on one.  Put that one on the to-do list.

AAK!  Its almost va-ca time!  I am a bundle of nerves.  I just need to make it through this math test today--and then 2 days of class next week--and I am home free!  Its a good thing skipping class won't make Friday get here any faster.  I will be in my beloved San Francisco in 8 days time.  (I will try to keep my 'squees' to myself)  Hopefully we will not be running around like crazed monkeys as much this visit.  There are just too many hills and not enough time.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sitting, waiting, watching

Ok, so more sitting than watching, but you get the idea.  Had a test, finished in 15 minutes, still have almost an hour until my next class.  I really don't like my classes this semester.  Anthropology is fine but its basically another history class.  Yuck.

We're creeping up on spring break again and I can't help but get excited.  I try to stay neutral in case it doesn't work out, but even if I stay home and don't have school (or kids) for awhile, I am ok with that.  I just need a break from my stupid routine.

Unfortunately, before spring break happens, Tim has to leave for a week.  A WEEK!!  I want to burn his company down but they have 7000 buildings now so it would take a lot of work.  I guess I am better off just sending the kids to separate rooms for the week so they have no contact with each other.  Otherwise, its going to get ugly real quick.  They can't even make it an afternoon without some stupid fight.  And on top of that, every time Tim leaves, something bad happens.  It might not be major, but its definitely something and I really hate having to deal with it on my own.  I told him to tell the "powers that be" that this is his trip for the year.  haha  I do not like being a single parent, even if its temporary.

So...still got 45 minutes...I wonder if i can catch a nap like that guy over there.

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Own Private Idaho

Maybe I am a terrible person but I really can't stand my neighbor's kids. Every time one of them comes over, they barge into my house, mess with my kids stuff and beg for food and/or money. And yet again, this one's parents weren't even home. Who does that?!? I try to be nice but when even my kids are getting mad, I don't feel so bad.

I may not have the best kids in the world but they know better than to expect to be fed or given things at a stranger's house. Plus, I think she stole something of Abby's! Fucking ridiculous! I want to go smack her AND her absent parents.

I keep thinking maybe kids will be more respectful in another neighborhood and maybe if we move somewhere nicer it will get better. I just want to live on an island with no shitty neighbors and no shitty public schools. Gah!

Monday, January 9, 2012


There is nothing I hate more than picking up my kids from school.  Especially now.  They are at a new school and no one knows them yet so it makes it EXTRA infuriating.  Plus, I have to get there before 2:30 to not have to park on the street (which also irks me for some reason) so I end up sitting in the hot hot heat for 45+ minutes.

And I think I hate the rich, asshole kids that attend this school.  It is in a much nicer neighborhood than their previous school and puts me closer to the bottom of the ladder, socially, which is fine because I have no intention of socializing with these people.  I have 2 nice lady-friends from Rosehill and that is all I need.  :P

GOD I hate the after-school crap...almost as much as all that other stuff I hate...

(to be continued)

Hello, World.

I made a not-quite-a-resolution to myself. I thought, "Self, if Ben can blog, so can you." I've been pondering it for some time now but it just never came to fruition. I always make the excuse that I don't have time but that is a lie. I have more free time than anyone I know. And now you, the world, get to share it with me!

(Please try to contain yourself and not tinkle on the carpet)

So, in closing, peep my fresh kicks.